
Dr. Celia

Dr. Celia is a coffee-loving, laid-back, nerdtastic cheerleader who can be found watching her favorite rotation of TV shows (Big Bang Theory, Friends and Home Edit) as if it was the first time-frequently with a cappuccino in hand. Her faith is very important to her. She loves spending her morning reading the bible and meditating on God’s word. And if you are into credentials…Dr. Celia is a board-certified psychiatrist with training in cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy as well as a certified life coach. Taking what she has learned, Celia has integrated her skills to become a coach. Dr. Celia helps

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What my son taught me this week

Zipping through the room, Logan went to his bedroom window and peered outside. The rain was pouring down hard, hitting the window panes on the way down to the earth. The rain droplets on the tree leaves dripped slowly in comparison to the intensity of the rain pouring downward. Logan and I stood still and were mesmerized by the sight before us. His wonderment turned into excitement and he put his hand on the window trying to feel the rain. Logan turned to me puzzled that he couldn’t feel the...

Hey Reader, Based on last week’s email, I got a couple of emails asking me about what wall calendar I use. I was surprised because I normally don’t get asked what I use behind the scenes. It got me thinking about maybe this is something you might like to know as well. My favorite wall planner- Etsy Quarterly Wall Calender at PlanTheThingsCo I spent 2-3 hours checking out Etsy and landed on this calendar. My reasoning for getting this is that it is aesthetically pleasing to look at, the boxes...

Hey Reader! Just because, today I thought it’d be fun to share with you three things that have been on my mind lately. Think of this like a let’s get real coffee chat … only better … because you don’t have to make awkward small talk or smile-nod fake-polite if you think anything I say here is off the wall! #win-win Three things on my mind lately: #1 - Why is there an upward trend of digging into someone’s pain points? I understand that speaking about pain points is understanding and relating...

Hey Reader! One thing I see a lot of people debate nearly every day on Christian space is: Should you be like the Proverbs 31 woman? As someone taking time to understand the Bible, a board-certified psychiatrist who has seen over 1000 patients in my career, and a certified life coach, You should be like Proverbs 31 woman but not the misrepresentation of it! Proverbs 31 has been used to demonstrate the standard of what a married wife should be: pure; godly; devoted wife and mother; perfect...

Hi Reader, Recently someone asked me a question that I commonly get: I am constantly trying to do everything and get pulled in so many directions. I feel wiped at the end of the day. Do I have a time management problem? My reply… You don’t have a time management problem. You have a context switching problem. Hear me out… Our time is stretched as a mom, wife, business owner, and even as a Christian. You can only do so much in the time that you have, and it is even less than you thought given...

**If you know you want to join The Faith-Fueled Work-Life Harmony 1:1 coaching experience → click here for the next step! Not too long ago, there was a nice, motivated, high-achieving Christian mom struggling with juggling her business and family. She was doing it all: running her business, being a loving mom, and trying to keep up with the demands of everyday life. But deep down, she was feeling the weight of it all. That was me. One day, as I was sitting in my office sipping my morning...

Hi Reader! When it comes to navigating being the business owner, wife and mom, I find that many Sisters in Christ try to: Put pressure on themselves on trying to do all the roles well. Struggle with finding the right balance with time spent with your kiddos along with time needed for the business. Trying to control the situations that is happening around them. But what I recommend is that you actually…. Work through the difficult thoughts and emotions which are causing you to feel out of...

Hi Reader, Shout-out to Mary M. for winning the $25 Amazon gift card. Your gift card will be sent today via email. Congratulations!! 🥳 Back to today’s email 🙂…. I never experienced terror as much as I did that day. It happened in 2016. Winter Snow Storm Jonas. Philadelphia, PA The wind was howling and picking up intensity. I could feel the sting of the rain as I waded through 12 inches of snow to get to my car. The weather was fierce with the mix of rain, snow and wind. I had the bright idea...

Hey Reader, My inbox is flooded with Black Friday emails that I’m still sorting through. I know I run the risk of you not seeing this because your email might look the same… But on the off chance that you do read this, I just want to say thanks so much. It means a lot that you're on this email list, sharing this journey with me as a Christian mom, raising kids, and embarking on an online business adventure. So thank you! While reflecting on this year, I remembered a podcast guest episode I...

Going to Be Late

I woke up that Sunday with every intention of going to church. My 18-month old son had other plans. We had 20 minutes to get Logan fed and out the door. He downed the milk, no problem. When it came to eating his egg, the struggle began. It landed on his hair, floor, pretty much anywhere except the act of eating it.. The clock was ticking and we had a choice to make if we/one of us would make it on time. After discussing it with hubby, he ended up going to church and I stayed home and fed...