Wanna peek behind the curtain? 😊

**If you know you want to join The Faith-Fueled Work-Life Harmony 1:1 coaching experience → click here for the next step!

Not too long ago, there was a nice, motivated, high-achieving Christian mom struggling with juggling her business and family. She was doing it all: running her business, being a loving mom, and trying to keep up with the demands of everyday life. But deep down, she was feeling the weight of it all.

That was me.

One day, as I was sitting in my office sipping my morning coffee and enjoying the quietness, it hit me. I realized that I wasn’t alone in this struggle. There were other Christian mom business owners out there who were facing the same challenges, feeling overwhelmed, and on the brink of burnout.

That’s when I knew I had to do something. I wanted to create a program that could help these amazing women find work-life harmony without sacrificing more time with their families. I wanted to provide them with tools, strategies, and support they needed to prevent burnout in all areas of their lives

And so, my Faith-Fueled Work-Life Harmony 1:1 Coaching Experience was born. It’s not just about business strategies and time management techniques, although those are important. It’s about nurturing the whole person - mind, body, and spirit. It’s about embracing our faith and allowing it to guide us in our journey as moms and business owners.

Through my program, I walk alongside these incredible women offering personalized coaching, accountability, and encouragement.

We explore strategies to

💖 manage their time effectively

💖 deep dive into mindset

💖 set boundaries

💖 cultivate faith-based practices that nourish their spirit.

But it’s not just about the work we do during our coaching sessions. It’s about the transformation that happens when these moms start embracing their worth, stepping into their God-given purpose, and finding joy in the midst of the chaos. It’s about witnessing their journey from burnout to balance, from overwhelm to peace.

Creating this program has been a labor of love for me. I’ve poured my heart and soul into every aspect of it because I believe that every Christian mom deserves to thrive in motherhood and business. I want to see these women shining brightly, making a difference in their families, communities, and the world.

So, if you’re a Christian mom business owner who’s ready to break free from the overwhelm, find work-life harmony, and prevent burnout, I invite you to schedule a faith-based clarity call to see if we are a good fit to work together.

You are loved.


P.S. Doors are open to the Faith-Fueled Work-Life Harmony 1:1 Coaching Experience. Schedule a call today. Spots are limited to 4 at 50% off the original price.

P.P.S If you know anyone who would benefit from my program, feel free to share this email. I appreciate you for doing so! Thank you! 😀

From January 24-29, 2024, I will be promoting The Faith-Fueled Work-Life Harmony 1:1 Coaching Program! If you're not interested in receiving these emails, click here to opt out.

Dr. Celia

Dr. Celia is a coffee-loving, laid-back, nerdtastic cheerleader who can be found watching her favorite rotation of TV shows (Big Bang Theory, Friends and Home Edit) as if it was the first time-frequently with a cappuccino in hand. Her faith is very important to her. She loves spending her morning reading the bible and meditating on God’s word. And if you are into credentials…Dr. Celia is a board-certified psychiatrist with training in cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy as well as a certified life coach. Taking what she has learned, Celia has integrated her skills to become a coach. Dr. Celia helps

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