You should strive to be a Proverbs 31 woman: true or false?

Hey Reader!

One thing I see a lot of people debate nearly every day on Christian space is:

Should you be like the Proverbs 31 woman?

As someone taking time to understand the Bible, a board-certified psychiatrist who has seen over 1000 patients in my career, and a certified life coach,

You should be like Proverbs 31 woman but not the misrepresentation of it!

Proverbs 31 has been used to demonstrate the standard of what a married wife should be: pure; godly; devoted wife and mother; perfect manager of the household; and enterprising outside the home.

Christian men and women have been judging Christian women for not living up to the standards, or worse, we shame ourselves for not being the epitome of the Proverbs 31 woman.

By looking only at the character traits of the woman, we miss the deeper meaning of the passage.

We should strive to seek wisdom in our life and business like the Proverbs 31 woman.

Wisdom is the driving force behind her actions. Seeking wisdom leads to:

-Fearing and loving Christ with all your heart and soul

-Faithfulness in marriage with our husband and in Christ

-Being a loving mother to our children

-Nourishing our physical, mental, and spiritual health

-Showing believers and non-believers love and kindness

-Financial responsibility and investing wisely in our business

-Living out God’s purpose for our life: glorifying him.

-Managing our household well by seeking what helps us run it smoothly.

-Taking care of our body since we are made in God’s image.

God calls us to choose wisdom.

-Wisdom was there during the creation of the universe.

-King Soloman prayed to God for wisdom.

In choosing wisdom, we choose God.

So now you know my thoughts and if you agree (which I hope you do) or you at least understand where I’m coming from - I’d love to support you further with this inside Faith-Fueled Freedom 1:1 Coaching Experience: Finding Time for What Matters.

Together we will seek wisdom like the Proverbs 31 woman by implementing the GRACE method where we will bring back the focus to your spiritual and emotional well-being.

All of this will allow you to have wisdom in how you manage your business and your time so you get back more time in your personal life without losing money in your business.

Because - it’s true - you should be like the Proverbs 31 woman and seek wisdom and I’m right here to walk this line with you!

With love,


Dr. Celia

Dr. Celia is a coffee-loving, laid-back, nerdtastic cheerleader who can be found watching her favorite rotation of TV shows (Big Bang Theory, Friends and Home Edit) as if it was the first time-frequently with a cappuccino in hand. Her faith is very important to her. She loves spending her morning reading the bible and meditating on God’s word. And if you are into credentials…Dr. Celia is a board-certified psychiatrist with training in cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy as well as a certified life coach. Taking what she has learned, Celia has integrated her skills to become a coach. Dr. Celia helps

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