You Decide: Going To ⛪❓

I woke up that Sunday with every intention of going to church.

My 18-month old son had other plans.

We had 20 minutes to get Logan fed and out the door.

He downed the milk, no problem.

When it came to eating his egg, the struggle began.

It landed on his hair, floor, pretty much anywhere except the act of eating it..

The clock was ticking and we had a choice to make if we/one of us would make it on time.

After discussing it with hubby, he ended up going to church and I stayed home and fed Logan while watching the service online.

Between struggling with a toddler who didn’t want breakfast and the chaos I was having at that moment, I wasn’t able to fully concentrate on the service.

Except one part…

Pastor Mark, in his wisdom, was talking about Acts 18.

As Pastor Mark paced on the stage, he suddenly turned to the center and stated:

“We turn to Christ when we are in seasons of stress and suffering. We turn to God less when life is going well. God uses suffering to test us to see where we turn, how we react, and if we are able to find hope in suffering.”

That statement struck home as I was dealing with my son who wanted to play instead of eat and I was feeling exhausted at that moment.

That statement redirected me to focus on God’s message rather than feeling discouraged how the morning turned out.

Maybe you feel like this in your business, motherhood and faith?

→ Your kids are resisting your parenting and you feel drained.

→ Your business is not bringing in the income you hoped.

→ You wonder if God will bring you out of this season of life.

What is God trying to tell you about what you are facing right now?

1) Lean and listen.

When we tune out the external noise, we can internally start to listen to our thoughts and observe our emotions. We can pay attention to what God is trying to tell us through prayer and the Holy Spirit within us.

2) Observe your surroundings, especially those in your life.

Our surroundings can be used by God, so take notice and hear his message. For example, my morning was so chaotic that I wasn’t listening to the sermon 100%. Yet that small part of the sermon stood out to me and I started listening to what God wanted me to hear.

3) Is God using those in your life (new and old) to help you in this season of life?

God brings helpers into our lives. Maybe it is a new connection you just met or reconnecting with an old friend. Maybe someone you randomly started chatting with in the grocery store. God brings those who we may least expect to help us in our season of life.

4) What passage of scripture is resonating with you right now?

What is standing out to you and still in your heart? God may be speaking to you through that passage. Pray to him and open a section of the Bible. See what God is trying to tell you.

You are loved.


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Dr. Celia

Dr. Celia is a coffee-loving, laid-back, nerdtastic cheerleader who can be found watching her favorite rotation of TV shows (Big Bang Theory, Friends and Home Edit) as if it was the first time-frequently with a cappuccino in hand. Her faith is very important to her. She loves spending her morning reading the bible and meditating on God’s word. And if you are into credentials…Dr. Celia is a board-certified psychiatrist with training in cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy as well as a certified life coach. Taking what she has learned, Celia has integrated her skills to become a coach. Dr. Celia helps

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