Help! Snowstorm Nightmare (+soaking wet while wearing pajamas) 🌨️

Hi Reader,

Shout-out to Mary M. for winning the $25 Amazon gift card. Your gift card will be sent today via email. Congratulations!! 🥳

Back to today’s email 🙂….

I never experienced terror as much as I did that day.

It happened in 2016. Winter Snow Storm Jonas. Philadelphia, PA

The wind was howling and picking up intensity. I could feel the sting of the rain as I waded through 12 inches of snow to get to my car. The weather was fierce with the mix of rain, snow and wind.

I had the bright idea to clean my car: “If I start it now, it would be less later”. 🙄

Bundled in my winter attire (including wearing pajamas), I took out my shovel and snow scraper and got to work. It seemed like whatever progress I made, the storm had other ideas. The snow picked up and dropped faster than the Flash. I barely made a dent in cleaning my car.

I opened the car door to turn on the engine and use the defroster button. I absentmindedly closed the door. When it was time to leave, I pushed the door but it would not open.

I was trapped with the sinking realization that my phone was sitting back in my apartment.

My heart was pounding with fright. My breath quickened and fear coursed through my body. I pounded on the door and screamed for help. No one heard me.

I got more frantic and started crying out of terror. “This is it. This is how I am going to die. No one is going to find me until it is too late.” I wondered if my family would know what happened to me.

Out of desperation, I kicked the door. By the grace of God, the door opened. I turned off the car and bolted out of there. I quickly went back into my apartment, trembling from the experience.

I made tea to warm myself up (and as a way of comfort).

I thanked God that I was able to get out and live another day.

When recounting this story, I thought of some fears you might be facing:

  • Fear that you are consumed with your business and it is affecting your life.
  • Fear that you are not a good enough mom because you don’t spend enough quality time with your kids
  • Fear you are burning out with motherhood and all the hats you wear but have no other options other than to continue.

Fear is a powerful emotion. It keeps us trapped and strengthens the belief that there is no other option but the current one.

Even with fear, there is a glimmer of hope knowing God is my protector during the trials in my life.

I hoped and prayed that I could

→ Get out of my car in the snowstorm.

→ Find a way to make it work with my business while primarily taking care of my son.

I hoped and prayed that God would open doors for me in my business when my business wasn’t taking off.

I hoped and prayed that God would guide my actions towards my son and to help me be a good mom to Logan.

As we speak, hope is turning into reality.

I want this for you too.

To feel fulfilled in your work and providing for your family.

To feel that you are a good mom doing your best with your kiddos.

To find the right harmony for you with motherhood and work.

To wake up to a beautiful sunny morning and start the day with excitement and hope even in December!

The month is winding down and I wanted to make sure you sign up for the wait-list for my 1:1 coaching program coming in January!

I've just revamped my coaching program, and it's perfect for ambitious Christian moms like you who are established in business. You've nailed the business part, but let's talk real-life struggles: the more you dive into work, the less time there is for your family and home life. I get it.

This program is all about giving you the emotional skills to tackle the challenges of running your business while raising young kids. Imagine finding that ideal rhythm between work and life that allows you to enjoy extra moments with your family and embrace some well-deserved personal time.

And because it's a beta version, I'm offering it at a special rate—50% off the future price! I'll spill all the details after the holidays, so keep an eye out.

I officially have 4 spots for Jan 2024 and one of them has your name on it!

All you need to do is click on the link to be added to the waitlist!

See you on the inside!

With love,


P.S. Click here to be added to the waitlist for 1:1 coaching program coming in January! It will be my revamped coaching program for ambitious Christian moms to equip them with the emotional skills to navigate challenges in running an established business and raising young kids to create work-life harmony so they have more free time to enjoy with their family and themselves. 4 spots. 50% off original price.

Dr. Celia

Dr. Celia is a coffee-loving, laid-back, nerdtastic cheerleader who can be found watching her favorite rotation of TV shows (Big Bang Theory, Friends and Home Edit) as if it was the first time-frequently with a cappuccino in hand. Her faith is very important to her. She loves spending her morning reading the bible and meditating on God’s word. And if you are into credentials…Dr. Celia is a board-certified psychiatrist with training in cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy as well as a certified life coach. Taking what she has learned, Celia has integrated her skills to become a coach. Dr. Celia helps

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